To make a free request for PENTA (Personal Energetic Task), for yourself or someone else, please complete the following form:
Penta (Personal Energetic Task) is a technique performed daily by certain practitioners in conjunction with extraphysical helpers. It is an anonymous, multidimensional, assistantial exercise whose primary focus is that of deintrusion and the subsequent clarification of those involved. All details of all requests are anonymous and are destroyed after a given period of time.
For other information, refer to the Penta Manual from Dr. Waldo Vieira available for free here: Book Downloads
You can also submit penta requests to other organisations, namely via:
Or, via these sites:
Pedido de Tenepes
Pedido de Tenepes
Pedido de Tenepes
IC Tenepes
Pedido de Tenepes
Pedido de TENEPES
ISIC acts in accordance with the data protection law (LGPD). Shared data is not passed on to third parties.