Use the Conscientiogram and this course to help expand your self-knowledge!

“Evaluation through the Conscientiogram surpasses the consciousness and reaches things, holothosenes, facts and parafacts.”
(Vieira, 2014, p. 263)


* Help in understanding, analyzing and completing the 100 evaluation sheets and 2,000 items (questions) of the Conscientiogram

* Perform self-conscientiometric research, favorable to intraconsciential renovation.

* Employ tools and techniques for conscientiomentric deepening


More details on the Conscientiogram without Drama course are provided here:

Download (PDF, 696KB)

To enroll click here, then hit “Comprar” to complete your enrollment, and if you are a repeating student please select the correct version (the one with the discount):


“The Conscientiogram is the manual to know ourselves.
(Vieira, 2014, p. 406)