The production of knowledge useful to evolution of the consciousness is one of the key purposes of Conscientiology, hence numerous books and research articles, as the most important form to present, preserve and communicate knowledge, are produced by volunteer researchers.

For free PDFs of Projectiology, Our Evolution, Penta Manual and 700 Conscientiology Experiments, please visit this page.

List of eBooks and those in print that you can find on Amazon (or other eBook resellers):

700 Conscientiology Experiments by Waldo Vieira M.D. (on Amazon)

 Barbara Visits a Star by Jayme Pereira (on Amazon)


Cons: Understanding Our Evolution by Flavio Monteiro (on Amazon)




Consciential Antiwastage by Eliane Manfroi (on Amazon)



Consciential Hygiene by Eduardo Martins M.D. (on Amazon)



Conscientiogram by Waldo Vieira M.D. (on Amazon)



English-Portuguese Glossary of Essential Conscientiology Terms (on Amazon)




Multidimensional Evolution: Personal Explorations of Consciousness by Kim McCaul (on Amazon)




Our Evolution by Waldo Vieira M.D. (free PDF available on this page)



Parapsychism in Childhood: Questions and Answers by Lilian Zolet (on Amazon)


Paravision: Theory and Practice of Visual Clairvoyance by Rodrigo Medeiros (on Amazon)



Penta Manual by Waldo Vieira M.D. (free PDF available on this page)




Proexis Manual: Existential Program by Waldo Vieira M.D. (on Amazon)

 Projectiology by Waldo Vieira M.D. (free PDF available on this page)



The Little Researcher by Débora Klippel (on Amazon)



Where Does Religion End by Marcelo da Luz (on Amazon)



Zephyrus: The Intermissive Paraidentity of Waldo Vieira by Mabel Teles (on Amazon)

The following book catalogue was produced by Editares in 2014, and although it does not contain every book published by those in the ICCC it gives a general overview of some of the books written to date.

Please note: until now a number of books have been translated to English, and there are more on the way.  

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