What is Conscientiology?Tertuliarium

Conscientiology is a science that studies the consciousness (also known as ego, soul, spirit, individual essence, self, intelligent principle) in an integral manner.  This post-materialist science aims to elaborate the human condition and help those interested in rationally investigating their personal reality, seeking logical answers about who we are, where we came from, where we are going and what is the purpose of physical life.

The science of Conscientiology was initially proposed by Waldo Vieira, a Brazilian physician and researcher in 1981, and is currently researched by thousands of people around the world in a range of research organisations. Nowadays there exists dozens of published technical, scientific publications and journals in the area.

Conscientiology proposes that the manifestations of consciousness start beyond the physical brain and the human body. To research consciousness in this manner, a new and broader model of reality, or scientific paradigm, was required. Conscientiology calls this model the consciential paradigm and it differs substantially from the conventional Newtonian, Cartesian, mechanistic, reductionist paradigm as it includes consciousness, along with energy (including matter), as objects or entities that exist in the Universe.

In addition to the consciential paradigm, conscientiology proposes the Principle of Disbelief in order to stimulate personal experimentation, rationality, discernment and maturation based on lucid personal multidimensional experiences and not on any kind of mystical or religious belief or dogma.

The following is the text of the Manifesto of Conscientiology:

Conscientiology indicates to you a long series of evolutionary postures that turn you into an elder, different from the consreus of the robexis and even the conventional scientist. 22 of these postures, from among many others, include: Intermissive Course (IC), innate ideas, Evolutionary Intelligence (EI), self-retrocognitions, Personal Multiexistential Cycle (PMC), invexis, Vibrational State (VS), penta, lucid epicon, Principle of Disbelief (PD), conscientiological volunteering, Personal Code of Cosmoethics (PCC), self-permanintfreeness, Personal Evolutionary Register (PER), a paraidentity, conscientiological authorship, multiexistential self-relay, pre-intermission, self-offiex, a lucid minipiece of the Multidimensional Interassistantial Maximechanism, self-tachyrhythmia, self-transaffectivity.

(Formal Manifesto of the International Cosmoethical Conscientiological Community – ICCC, of Cognopolis, Foz do Iguaçu, Parana, Brazil, on 22 February 2014, entry from the work Lexico de Ortopensatas, or the Lexicon of Orthopensatas in English).