In short, the Vibrational state (VS) is the technical condition of the dynamization of the energosoma’s energies through the impulsion of the will. The practice of this technique sterilizes the environment in a vibratory manner, provides a great sense of well-being, a positive disposition and self-confidence to the individual.
The VS has numerous uses and benefits, for example the following 6 can be emphasised:
- VS. Installation of the vibrational state (VS), a condition that predisposes even a lucid takeoff of your consciousness projected in the psychosoma.
- Self-confidence. Intense motivation, providing you self-confidence to use your own consciential energies and allowing you to distinguish external energies that you receive.
- Digestion. Acceleration of your digestion in appropriate occasions of interconsciential assistance.
- Self-cure. Heal organic disturbances, mini-illnesses and minor-indispositions.
- Prophylaxis. Obtain one thousand and one positive and prophylactic consciential resources that are easily understood by you or anyone else (consolation task, clarification task, penta).
- Self-defenses. Completely block the entrance of undesirable energies to your inner world, thereby augmenting your energetic self-defenses (self-encapsulation).