Projectiology is a sub-disclipine of conscientiology and it acts as an effective method to personally verify the innate multidimensional potentials and abilities of the consciousness. As the practical part of conscientiology, it allows anyone sufficiently motivated to experience realities beyond the physical matter of the body, or soma. Projectiology studies the out-of-body experience (OBE), and covers all parapsychic phenomena generated by or available through a discoincidence of the vehicles of manifestation such as telepathy, extrasensory perception, precogition, retrocognition, among numerous others.
The book: Projectiology
The book Projectiology (available on Amazon, or for free download here) is the most comprehensive treatise on the out-of-body experience and psychic phenomena in the world today.
Projectiology is an authoritative, technical, and scholarly volume that provides definitive information on the out-of-body experience (OBE) and paranormal and psychic phenomena. It is a complete guide to the development of energetic self-control and psychic awareness, and an invaluable source of information on the interaction between the physical and non-physical worlds.
The contents of Projectiology are the culmination of more than 30 years of investigation by the author. This volume forms the foundation of the science of projectiology and is unique in its breadth and scope. Subjects covered in this book include:
- 54 varieties of paranormal and psychic phenomena comprehensively explained and analyzed
- 37 techniques for producing OBEs
- Numerous practical tips to facilitate OBEs
- Detailed techniques to consciously sense and utilize bioenergies (chi, prana, vital energy, subtle energy)
- 68 applications and benefits of the OBE
- Characteristics of non-physical dimensions and non-physical individuals
- How to control and use the non-physical (astral) body
- Analysis of different types of OBEs
- How to assist through OBEs and with bioenergies Definitive explanations of the key phases of the OBE
- Analysis of altered states of consciousness
- Compilation of scientific research on OBEs
- 525 chapters
- 1,907 bibliographic entries from sources in 18 languages